Membership Benefits

17 Reasons for joining and paying up your NEF Membership:
1. NEF is the first ever established Employer’s organisation in Namibia and represents over 5000 employers. This makes it the Voice of Namibian Employers at Government and International level.

2. NEF has a nation-wide reach and can assist all Employers from any of the country’s 14 regions.

3. NEF Members benefit from the advocacy and lobbying on policies and regulations that govern employers on behalf of members both locally and internationally.

4. As a member, you have at your disposal, a wide range of services offered by our highly qualified Labour Law Committee which is a panel of Legal & Industrial Relations experts, who provide both labour specific legal advice and representation at the Office of the Labour Commissioner at discounted rates.

5. We have founded the Global Apprenticeship Network of Namibia (GAN Namibia) A division of the NEF dedicated to encouraging employers in integrating work-based learning and support Employers to apply to the NTA for a N$53,600 Financial Incentive for the National Apprenticeship Programme.

6. NEF members also benefit from trainings, which take place throughout the year with an option of in-house and open courses on Business Soft Skills and Labour Matters; all are offered to members at discounted rates and assurance of National Training Authority Training Levy refund.

7. Free telephonic/email advice on any Labour issues that our members may face with a response rate of 48 hours.

8. The NEF also offers Human Resource and Organisational Development consultancy services that include: Job Description development, HR Policy development and Human Resource and Talent Management organizational structures.

9. We represent employers on the Namibian tripartite arrangement and ae privy to insight on all labour-related policies such as: the National TVET Policy, the National Employment Policy and the Labour Migration Policy.

10. At the Federation, members have access to Pro-Forma Contracts, we can also provide Human Resource formats such as: Applications for Leave, Disciplinary Process Forms, Sustenance and Travel Forms etc, or develop Company-Specific forms at lower rates.

11. Advice on workplace employee wellness and policy implementation.

12. Exclusive access to NEF Surveys that provide statistics on economic indicators and labour issues that facilitate business practice.

13. Opportunity to advertise in NEF’s Annual Report and Website at discounted rates.

14. Members enjoy the organized forums that allow business networking and partnership within the membership base.

15. The NEF is the only Employers’ Organisation in Namibia with seats on:
     Labour Advisory Council – that deals with transformation of the informal economy.
     National Wages Commission – newly established to determine the minimum wages in Namibia.
     National Advisory Council on Education – to advise the Minister on educational matters.
     National Anti-Corruption Steering Committee – for the promotion of good governance, ethics and integrity.
     Employment Services Board – to oversee decent employment for all in Namibia.

16. We are recognised by government in terms of the International Labour Organizations’ (ILO) Constitution and annually attend the International Labour Conference in Switzerland on behalf of Namibian employers.

17. We benefit from International Support and Best Practices from:
     ILO Employers Bureau
     International Organization of Employers
     Business Africa
     Global Apprenticeships Network
     SADC Private Sector Forum